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When will tourism recover? Travel agencies are clear

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When will tourism in Spain recover? It is the big question that the economic sectors that make a living from travel have been asking themselves for some time. However, according to a survey carried out by Eurostars Hotel Company , the majority of travel agencies agree that 2022 is the year of recovery.

After a year of forced closure of one of its closed hotels, the Eurostars Phone Number List Madrid Tower this company launched a survey in which it asked travel agencies how they envision the future of corporate travel. The result of this study, in which more than 1,500 travel agencies have participated , has revealed that professionals in the sector are confident about the future of travel.

2022: the year of tourism recovery
Almost half of the agencies that participated in the survey (45%) consider that the recovery of the sector will take place in the first half of 2022. According to these
agents, it will be then that an improvement will be experienced and the numbers will rise. Compared to this group, 35% of the agencies are even more optimistic , placing the first glimmer of recovery this summer. Only 18% position themselves in the most pessimistic scenario and expect this comeback in 2023.

On the other hand, in terms of how travel may change after the stoppage due to the pandemic, up to 80% of the agencies that have participated in the study consider that the pandemic will have an impact on customer
preferences and way we travel. Respondents believe that customers will especially value the fact that hotels have adequate technological solutions to minimize close contact during their stay.

They also believe that customers will prioritize establishments with more sustainable proposals that are respectful of the local environment . Only 7% estimate that travelers will opt for smaller boutique-style hotels on their trips, compared to hotels with a greater number of rooms and facilities.

Are we going to continue traveling for work?
63% of participating agencies believe that professionals will continue traveling, but that they will demand new solutions and facilities. In this direction, 14%
consider that new formulas such as teleworking or remote work , which have already been consolidated as trends, will require services that facilitate connectivity and the development of work tasks in the hotel.

On the contrary, 14% maintain that they will decrease in number, since companies are going to reduce the budget allocated for this purpose. And only 8% consider that
work trips will not experience relevant changes and will continue as before.

After analyzing the data, everything seems to indicate that the corporate travel segment will not disappear, but hotels will have to adapt to a
different scenario through new proposals and services. For this, "the ability to listen to and interpret new trends will be vital, as well as creativity in the
solutions that are implemented," according to Eurostars Hotel Company .

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